Recently, Forbes announced that when it comes to the beauty industry and beauty entrepreneurs, there was money to be made and a slice of the $455 billion beauty industry had a lot to offer.If you’ve never worked in the beauty world before and you really can’t afford to throw down the cash or the lengthy time for cosmetology school but you still very much want to be part of this professional world, look no further than becoming a microblading artist today.We’ve outlined the top seven reasons why you should invest in yourself today and become one of those self-made female entrepreneurs that gets a heaping slice of that billion dollar pie.

1. Work In A Coveted Industry

A plethora of women and men are finding that when it comes to the beauty world, there’s no better industry to be involved. Thanks to the amazing perks, the ideal hours, and, of course, the moola earned, the beauty industry is no longer reserved for those that have the time and money to attend cosmetology school.

2. Earn Cash (Lot’s of Cash)!

Yeah, so, did we mention $455 billion? It’s a thing, and microblading alone is a billion dollar industry. Women that are skilled, well-trained and learn the dos, don’ts and craft of microblading are poised to succeed and surpass those that don’t invest the time and energy into this craft. It doesn’t take near as long to become a microblading artist as a cosmetologist, so what are you waiting for?

3. Work on Your Own Schedule

With microblading, you can actually find a shared space to rent or book clients and you can build your own schedule. That means if you’ve got kids to care for after they get out of school, no problem. You book your clients when you want and earn more or less depending on how much you want to work.

4. Become An Entrepreneur

Forbes said it themselves, those self-made females that are dominating the beauty industry right now are making a killing and it all comes down to becoming an entrepreneur. It may seem risky, but you can become successful as a microblading artist and entrepreneur. Just think what else the world holds for you too!

5. Network With Amazing Individuals

If you’re a people person then getting involved in the beauty industry is a definite perk. You never know who is going to end up on your client list for the day and where the opportunities they may present while you have a captive audience may take you.

6. Get Insider Beauty Tips

Insider. beauty. tips. Do we really need to say more? Who wouldn’t want to surround themselves with professionals that can collaborate on beauty tips and products that the rest of us don’t even know about?!

7. Social Glam & More

We’ve seen it before, microblading artists posing with their celebrity clients for a selfie post brow treatment. Talk about an instant social profile booster on Instagram. Think of how well you can work it to be that socially glam beauty blogger or Instagrammer that even your kids will be jealous of your following.Ready to become part of the microblading world? Just click here to learn more about the best microblading training on the West Coast.