When it comes to career paths, many of us have wants and wishes, but achieving our dream job isn’t actually all that easy. Well, that is, until now. Thanks to the beauty industry and a revolutionary studio launched in none other than Las Vegas. Better known as MicroBladers Studio + Academy — and it’s the challenging the way that most individuals think about working in the beauty industry.

So You Want To Work In The Beauty Industry

If you’ve always wanted to work in the glamorous world of beauty, but never had the chance to go unpaid while spending thousands in cosmetology school? Or are you an established hair stylist tired of ‘the house’ taking more money than you can claim in clients? This is where MicroBladers Studio + Academy is the ideal place to learn a new craft such as learning microblading.

What is MicroBladers Studio + Academy?

MicroBladers Studio + Academy is headquartered in Las Vegas and is a place where if you become a member of the MicroBladers Studio, you get access to state-of-the-art technology, a fully stocked beauty salon, and the ability to come and go without having to leave pay so much to the house that you can’t afford to market yourself.

Does This Allow You To Maximize Your Income?

In one word, yes. If you become a member of MicroBladers Studio + Academy through the application process, you pay a small fee to have access to a unique studio that is nothing like you’ve ever seen. Learn more about the MicroBladers Studio + Academy as well as how to start your career in the beauty industry today by clicking here.