Just when you thought that microblading couldn’t possibly get any better, comes nanoblading. It’s the next micro trend among the microblading beauty craze. For those of you not familiar with microblading, it is when you provide more depth, color, shape, and overall fill to your brows using a semi-permanent method.This allows for a handful of updates each year to keep your brows consistent to the look you desire without having to adhere to any permanent scarring or damage that permanent tattooing or other procedures may entail.Microblading is the true beauty trend that is becoming more of a staple in beauty routines globally than merely a trend. The treatment uses thin hairlike strokes with customized pigment to bring your brow game to the next level.

What is Nanoblading?

Nanoblading is very similar to microblading in that your artist utilizes the same technique, pigmentation personalization, and shaping methods. The only thing that is different is the tool. Instead of a using a thin blade, the tool is actually equipped with a variety of tiny needles that create precision and further detail of the hairlike strokes.It’s important to note that just because microblading and nanoblading are very similar does not mean you should seek out an artist who has not perfected her skills via the nanoblading tool. Always find an established, certified, and well-trained microblading artist that can verify her training, hours, skills and abilities as well as will provide you with an assortment of options and further discussing with you the beauty look you’re hoping to achieve.

When To Get A Microblading Treatment

If you’re curious about the ins and outs of microblading, then take the first step to learn more. Just because you’re interested doesn’t mean you have to book a treatment. Any true microblading artist will work with you to get to your level of comfort before during a consultation, which is often free. Learn more about microblading and if you have a nanoblading artist near you by visiting MicroBladers.com where you enhance your already true natural beauty.