Expand Your Offerings With Lip Blush & Tint

By December 22, 2022 Business

You’ve mastered microblading and you’re well on your way to building out a successful business — congratulations! But don’t stop at just brows, you’re in a unique position with undivided client attention while you work on their microblading brow beauty enhancement. It’s the perfect opportunity to learn new skills to broaden your offerings. Just think about it, you have a captive audience and what’s the next logical beauty enhancement? Well, lip blush & tint of course!

lip blush

We’re talking about learning how to offer your clients Lip Blush + Tint. It’s a certification that can be learned in one day and will be a return on investment tenfold (and likely more). 

With Lip Blushing, you will use your microshading skills to apply a neutral pigment for the lining of the lips. This helps to naturally define the lips and then you’ll learn to utilize various other pigments to fill in the lips, which creates a fuller and more well defined lips for your customers. But you will learn how to carefully ensure that their lips look bigger and fuller while not appearing fake, which was a problem for many tattooed lips prior to microblading.

With the MicroBladers Studio + Academy Lip Blushing course, you can even enjoy a month’s long apprenticeship program to ensure you have the beauty enhancement perfected.

Most microblading artists that begin to offer Lip Blush + Tint, start charging clients anywhere from $300 to $600 per session. And, again, because you have a captive audience as you make beautiful brow magic, it’s an easy way to transition your clients to also become clients of your lip blushing services.

Microblading is a semi-permanent makeup technique that involves using a handheld tool to create hair-like strokes on the eyebrows. Lip blush + tint is a similar technique that involves adding color to the lips to enhance their natural color or shape.

Many microblading artists offer lip blush + tint as an additional service to their clients, and typically charge between $300 and $600 per session. Because microblading artists already have a captive audience of clients interested in enhancing their appearance, it can be easy for them to transition these clients into also becoming clients for their lip blush + tint services.
Ready to uplevel your client services and capitalize on even more while expanding your business. Learn the art of the lip blushing microshading technique here.