If you’re ready to begin your career as a microblading artist, congratulations! But there are a few things to know in to know in order to get a successful career, which is totally in reach.

The first thing you need to do to achieve success as a microblading artist is to actually begin training as to the skills required by a microblading artist. Such skills as adding hairlike strokes or when to use a permanent makeup (PMU) machine are required when it comes to supporting clients with their eyebrow needs.

A team of microblading artists

Additional skills include knowing how to comfort your clients and ensure that they understand and agree to the design of the brow that you propose.

Even more necessary than working with the would-be client is, to indeed, work on the client and have the skillset to create hair like strokes as needed to embolden a client with microbladed brows. The only way to achieve the skills needed instead of picking up a blade and making chop suey out of your first client (likely an unwitting friend agreeing to such a terrifying experience). Don’t attempt to ‘free form learn’ learn the skills needed as you will need to attend a two-day workshop where you are introduced to the skills needed.

From there, you will want to secure yourself an apprentice practitioner. A word of advice: Coming by a well-established apprentice teacher is not an easy feat.

Many teachers do not pay their apprentice stewards, but, rather, consume the profit earned while offering little in advice to improve a microblading client. What needs to occur is for a teacher to offer in-the-moment guidance of an apprentice working with a client.

A microblading artist practicing

With MicroBladers Studio + Academy, you can actually earn an income, build your clientele, and improve upon your skill set, which is the ideal situation for you, the apprentice to achieve greatness. Be sure to choose an apprenticeship program wisely so you get the most of your newfound career.

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