Microblading Using Micro Needles

The photos don’t lie! Microbladed brows look astonishingly NATURAL. If you’ve seen them on Instagram and are considering getting microbladed, you’re probably curious how they would actually feel on your skin. Here are some things you need to know about how they heal and feel after the treatment.  

The Transition to ALL-Natural Perfect Eyebrows 

Freshly micro bladed brows

Microblading is a semi-permanent makeup treatment that deposits micro pigments under the skin. It looks more natural compared to traditional eyebrow tattooing and the healing process is much faster and less painful.  

However, you do need to follow the aftercare instructions to maximize healing and guarantee best results. A few days after your enhancement, your eyebrows may appear darker and you may experience some itching and flaking for the next couple of weeks. Don’t be shocked if they seem to have disappeared after that.  

Each individual will feel varying degrees of discomfort as they go through this process. The brows may also feel either denser or lighter as the days go by. These are the most common physical sensations clients may experience.  

After Full Healing 

Following the important touchup session, your brows will begin to fully heal then you’re on your way to the powder and pencil-free life. At this point, most of the discomfort is likely gone and your brows will feel like they’ve always felt — just normal!  

eyebrows after microblading

The key is to always be mindful of your activities and the skin products that you use. While you’re able to do most of your regular activities without a problem, a few things might affect microblading’s lasting effects. Exfoliating often, too much sun exposure, or frequent swimming might shorten the lifespan of your microbladed brows. These same activities might also affect how your brows might feel especially if they’ve been irritated as a result.  

How Microbladed Brows REALLY Feel 

What clients can attest is that once they’ve gone powder-free, they feel more positive and loving toward themselves. The truth is, it’s not because their brows finally look perfect (though they truly are!), but because they are able to appreciate their own unique looks.  

What makes microblading so different from eyebrow tattooing is that it’s not meant to alter your natural appearance. When choosing a microblading artist and facility, it’s best to check out their style in their portfolios on their website and social media. The goal is to always enhance the clients’ natural beauty — giving them the confidence and pride they’ve always had within. Our artists are experts at determining the eyebrow shape and shade that looks most natural on you.  

If you want to learn more, we’ll be happy to answer all your questions when you get a free initial consultation.